
If you were to ask me, and you have.. I believe the biggest reason is trust, or a lack thereof. Buying a new vehicle online is much simpler (see Tesla). The vehicles are new so the condition is understood and there is no need for trust. With used vehicles, the buyer is required to trust the seller’s opinion of the condition of the vehicle they’re selling. Could you imagine buying a house based on the seller’s opinion of it? I didn’t think so. So why then do online dealers expect us to “take their word for it”? Of course if you could check out the vehicle in person you’d get to see, feel, hear and smell any issues for yourself but that just isn’t possible with online dealers. 

So what is the solution? How about an independent 3rd party to go and inspect the vehicle? To look for the things that you would look for, and some you might not know too. That was our thought process and reason for creating iNeedaPPi. We are a mobile Pre-Purchase Car Inspection company and we believe in leveling the playing field between buyer and seller. We do this by providing a detailed condition report + vehicle score (1-100) so you can make a confident,  informed decision. 

iNeedaPPi isn’t for everyone. If you enjoy going dealer to dealer, checking out vehicles that you’re considering buying, if you’re ok with being restricted to vehicles that happen to be located nearby, if you like dealing with salespeople and all their follow up and/or you feel 100% comfortable trusting the seller as to the condition of the vehicle they’re selling, then iNeedaPPi is not for you.

But, if that’s not the case. If you’re interested in buying a used vehicle online but not 100% comfortable with the process. If you’re too busy to/not interested in going dealer to dealer looking at vehicles. If you found the vehicle you want but it’s too far away. Or if you don’t really know what to look for when checking out a used vehicle, we can help.

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